A blog dedicated to demystifying sex topics.
Sexual Trauma
The experience of rape is too big, too complex, too raw, too painful for me to explore in a single post. I hope that by breaking it up into smaller pieces, and by bringing to light the many ways in which arousal non-concordance is experienced, it will reach those that need to understand it, make sense of it, heal from it.
Arousal Non-Concordance
In a perfect scenario everything is aligned — your head matches your heart which matches your body’s response. In many instances, however, this is not the case. Different systems within our bodies are working independently from each other leading to confusing and frustrating situations at best, traumatizing events at worst.
A Word on Gender Violence
As suggested in the essay “Violence of Privacy” part of the reason why violence against women is so rampant in our society is precisely because it is kept private: silenced by men, denied by women wanting to disassociate themselves from victimhood, ignored by the state, and shut out by the general public.